

Welcome! To the site of Dr.Trent Stellingwerff, Exercise Physiologist and Sports Nutritionist.

As an exercise physiologist, sports nutritionist, coach and athlete, Trent aims to bring a balanced perspective to those in the world of competitive sports. His experience ranges from working in the research lab to being in the field with Olympic athletes. Trent’s unique expertise allows him to see elite sport from many angles and offer advice based on accepted science and cutting edge research, as well as anecodotal evidence from personal experience with athletes.

The goal of this site is to offer visitors an array of information and insight based on the latest reasearch in exercise physiology, as well as some interesting anecodotes and articles from Trent’s field-work experiences at major sporting events and championships.


Recent News and updates

April 21, 2023 – Trent named to Commonwealth Games Mission Staff

March 20, 2024 – Trent honoured to be among world experts who contributed to new book on sports nutrition (see link below to order)


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